

Our History

Virtus Exports and Imports Pvt Ltd was Incorporated in 2007 by Brig A. K. Sood, a retired Army officer with rich experience in International trade. The company specializes in Defense related exports and renders services for supply of spare parts,repair, modernization and maintenance of special purpose equipment and vehicles etc.

What we are

The company works on the projects and equipment, which are sourced from different countries for customers. The company does not deal with any organization related to MOD INDIA.

Virtus Exports and Imports Pvt. Ltd. has gained the reputation of a reliable and preferred supplier/partner, ready to provide support to the customers in shortest period in different parts of the world. Beside, ever increasing client base, our traditional & most esteemed business customers are MOD of Algeria, MOD of Malaysia, MOD of Egypt and other government owned enterprises authorized to deal in Defence equipment.
Virtus Exports and Imports Pvt. Ltd. is a member of PHD Chamber of commerce, New Delhi & EEPC INDIA.